Furniture design competition Furniture of the year – Ideas workshop 2015

CHERGA – Bulgarian design group in collaboration with the Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industry – are announcing a furniture Design Competition "Furniture of the year – Ideas workshop 2015"
All the participating
projects will be considered by the BBCWFI members (more than 300 companies) for further development and manufacturing. The selected products will be pursued to get into production through a collaboration between designers and manufacturers.
The terms on manufacturing and sаles of these products will be negotiated separately between the furniture companies and the authors of the products.

1. Brief

Design a product suitable for mass production.
The object can be in one of the following categories:
1. Chairs.
2. Tables and desks.
3. Storage units and systems.
3. Upholstered furniture and beds.
4. Accessories and lighting.
Design requirements:

- Market oriented product
- Easy to manufacture
- Innovation
- Style

Main materials to be used:

- Solid wood;
- Plywood;
- Bended /molded plywood;
- MDF;
- Chipboard;
- Metal tubes;
- metal sheets;
- Upholstery, leather, etc.;
- Glass;
- Plastic;
- Composite materials.

It is possible different structural components made from other materials to be used.
The design of the concepts should be new and original and not to be part of another competition at the same time.
By submitting a project the participant agrees all the images of his/her design to be used for marketing and promoting this and any future competitions in any media chosen by Organisers.
All the rights of the designs belong to their authors.
Competition aims:
 - Developing high standards in the Bulgarian furniture industry with a world class design and aimed to the Furniture of the Year competition quality;
 - Creating a furniture to participate at the Furniture of the Year competition;
 - Developing a high end designer furniture made in Bulgaria;
 - Developing working relationship between producers and designers in Bulgaria.

2. Jurors criteria

- Marketability
- Profitableness
- Production feasibility
- Innovation
- Style and aesthetics

As the product will be considered for mass production, we are looking for salable, stylish and easy to manufacture and transport solution.

3. Recommended materials:

- Solid wood;
- Plywood;
- Bended /molded plywood;
- MDF;
- Chipboard;
- Metal tubes;
- Metal sheets;
- Upholstery, leather, etc.;
- Glass;
- Polymers;
- Composite materials.
Structural components from other materials and joinery are also allowed.

4. Deadlines and conditions:

The competition is open to everyone - individually or as a team. There is no restrictions about the number of the projects sent.

The participation of the competition is free of charge.

Every participant must send his/her project to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the deadline: Sunday, 12/04/2015 till 23:59 GMT. All the project received after the deadline will be rejected.

 4.1. Schedule:
1. 16.03.2015 г. – 12.04.2015 г. - Accepting proposals

   2. 13.04.2015 г. – 15.04.2015 г. – Jury

   3. 21.04.2015 г. – Winners announcement and award ceremony at Inter Expo Centre - Sofia, Bulgaria

   4. 21.04.2015 г. – 25.04.2015 г. -  Contest exhibition - the best 40 projects at the „Техномебел/ Светът на мебелите“

4.2. What to send

Each of the projects have to be represented in 2 to 5 images and description of the project based on the attached PDF template

All the submitted materials should include

1. Image in PDF file sized 100X70cm as per the attached PDF template

2. Jpeg version of the poster with maximum size of the shorter side 1200 pixels

3. Project description, its author information.

4. Drawings of the projects - by the author decision.

No markings, symbols or letters revealing the authorship are allowed in the submitted materials under pt.2 except those provided on the Template.
Information about the author should be provided on the PDF file under pt.1 ONLY.

The submissions will be evaluated anonymously. Any publication of a project before the Award ceremony is prohibited.
Project description should not exceed 1500 symbols. Violation of these regulations will lead to disqualification.

5. Awards

 - The best projects from each category will be printed and exposed over The World of the Furniture Exhibition;

 - All the concepts in the competition will be presented to the BBCWFI members, as a potential product for development and manufacturing;

 - Every projects produced until the next exhibition as a result from the competition will take part in the Bulgarian furniture of the year 2016 competition free of charge;

 The award for each of the categories will consist of:

- Money prize from the Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industry;

- A trophy award;

- Invitation for the workshop Rabotilnica without the entry tax;

- Prize certificate;

- Other awards.


Except the aforementioned awards there will be some Special awards:

- Award from CHERGA - invitation and participation in the workshop Rabotilnica 2015 free of charge 

- Special award from MD magazine.


The competition winner will be announced on 21 of April 2015 on the CHERGA and BBCWFI websites and also at the official opening ceremony of The World of the Furniture 2015 21-25 April. Selected projects will be published in a special review article in the MD magazine

6. Jury

To be announced soon

You can ask all the question you have at the Facebook group of the competition here: